Inmote is an ambassador for OneKey.

This is a really sophisticated automated firmware vulnerability analysis tool. The tool can also compose the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials).

OneKey is an indispensable tool for Product Owners, PSIRT Managers, CTO/CIOs, Heads of Development, Product Compliance Managers and for SBOM management.

The tool is widely applicable in various industries like manufacturing, automotive, medical devices, telco, software development and IT infrastructure.

Using the latest release v25.1.13 (2025-01-13) of OneKey it is now possible to scan „FreeRTOS“ firmware too.
The following components can be identified:
• coreHTTP and coreMQTT (FreeRTOS)
• FreeRTOS kernel
• littlefs, lwIP, mbedTLS, musl, newlib, picoTCP, PolarSSL, uIP
• gstreamer, libdrm, liborc, osg, libtomcrypt, libdlt, AzureIOTMiddleware.